EPDM Rubber Encyclopedia

EPDM reclaimed rubber production molding the best temperature

Create Date:2016-12-05 11:05:13Click volume:7071
EPDM reclaimed rubber production molding the best temperature

EPDM rubber products used as raw materials to produce EPDM reclaimed rubber retains EPDM rubber good high temperature performance, is often used to replace EPDM rubber production of outdoor rubber products, such as waterproofing volumes Material, sporting goods and so on. The use of EPDM reclaimed rubber production molded rubber products, its optimum curing temperature and other types of reclaimed rubber curing temperature is different, it can not do without its excellent high temperature performance.

Control of curing temperature can be said that the rubber process is the most important step, under normal circumstances the temperature increased 8 ~ 10.C (about the equivalent of a gauge pressure of steam), the cure will be doubled. EPDM reclaimed rubber temperature up to 200 ℃, the lowest is 40 ℃. General EPDM reclaimed rubber optimum curing temperature between 150-170 ℃, than other types of reclaimed rubber vulcanization temperature is much higher. EPDM reclaimed rubber production Molded rubber vulcanization temperature and its product formulations, like how much the same degree of liquid boiling water, then about 80 ℃ on it, the oil, then there are 200-500 ℃. Want to get the exact curing temperature, you can use the rheometer test, according to the EPDM reclaimed rubber thickness and structure appropriate to extend or shorten the curing time to speculate the curing temperature.

Other types of reclaimed rubber production The best vulcanization temperature of rubber products: tire reclaimed rubber or latex reclaimed rubber Curing temperature 120-130 ℃; butyronitrile reclaimed rubber, butyl reclaimed rubber Curing temperature 130-140 ℃, than the three yuan B C reclaimed rubber vulcanization temperature is low.

The vulcanization temperature is related to the type of reclaimed rubber products. It does not mean that the reclaimed rubber with high vulcanization temperature is good or the reclaimed rubber with low vulcanization temperature is good, which is determined by the performance requirements of its own rubber products. For example, the white rubber with high elasticity Can choose white latex reclaimed rubber, oil-resistant rubber products using nitrile rubber reclaimed rubber production, high air tightness such as the inner tube product selection butyl reclaimed rubber production the most suitable, and the high temperature resistance, anti-aging performance requirements of rubber ideal The raw material is EPDM reclaimed rubber.

Regarding the curing temperature setting of various reclaimed rubber products, rubber product manufacturers must determine according to the actual situation, especially for rubber products with thicker thickness, the curing temperature should not be too high, and the curing temperature of reclaimed rubber products cannot be blindly increased in pursuit of production efficiency. There was a problem with the rubber being "not ripe outside."

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