Butyl Rubber Encyclopedia

Winter and summer butyl reclaimed rubber storage and use skills

Create Date:2017-02-12 11:06:51Click volume:6620
Winter and summer butyl reclaimed rubber storage and use skills

Butyl reclaimed rubber is the best raw material to substitute butyl rubber for producing butyl inner tube and water tire with high airtightness and watertight rubber products. In addition butyl rubber regeneration also has heat, aging, chemical resistance, shock-absorbing insulation characteristics, it is used to produce all kinds of shock absorption materials, protective equipment, heat-resistant conveyor belt. However, manufacturers of rubber products, which often use butyl rubber, know that the index of butyl rubber reclaimed in winter and summer varies. Why? Butyl reclaimed rubber in different seasons of storage and use of what should pay attention to the problem?

1, butyl reclaimed rubber storage

The best temperature for storing butyl rubber in summer is 26 ℃. The first thing to do is to avoid direct sunlight. When it is rainy, pay attention to moisture-proof and waterproof. Otherwise, the reclaimed rubber will absorb too much water and the butyl reclaimed rubber will be affected and the production will be affected Bubble out of the rubber products; winter storage of reclaimed rubber is the best temperature of about 20 ℃. Whether hot summer or cold winter, butyl reclaimed rubber (including all reclaimed rubber) should be stored in a cool and ventilated place, away from the fire, heat.

2, butyl rubber reclaimed indicators

Butyl rubber reclaimed in winter and summer due to different ambient temperature and humidity, reclaimed rubber indicators are not the same: usually summer butyl rubber reclaimed rubber smell slightly stronger than the winter reclaimed rubber; summer reclaimed rubber hardness than the winter hardness Low; the tensile strength of butyl rubber reclaimed in summer is about 1Mpa lower than that in winter; the tensile elongation of butyl rubber reclaimed in summer is about 10% higher than that in winter.

3, butyl rubber regeneration use

Summer reclaimed rubber index generally lower than in winter, but summer reclaimed rubber solubility than winter reclaimed rubber, it can be appropriate to increase the use of butyl reclaimed rubber in summer, to shorten the curing time, reduce the curing temperature, and reduce the formula Grease usage; But in the winter when the use of butyl rubber reclaimed rubber production, the system may be appropriate to increase the curing system, but it is best not to raise the curing temperature, otherwise it will cause scorched rubber (if the storage temperature of less than 20 ℃, It is best to transfer the reclaimed rubber to a warm environment 8-5 hours before the product is produced).

In fact, not only butyl rubber reclaimed, latex reclaimed rubber, reclaimed rubber tires, EPDM reclaimed rubber and NBR reclaimed rubber product index, storage and use have some differences, rubber products manufacturers to rubber products Indicators timely adjustment reclaimed rubber products formula.

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