Butyl Rubber Encyclopedia

Five ways to improve the strength of butyl reclaimed rubber

Create Date:2016-05-17 11:06:41Click volume:6989
Five ways to improve the strength of butyl reclaimed rubber

Butyl reclaimed rubber = raw material for highly airtight rubber products, which is well-known in the rubber products industry and widely used in the production of various highly airtight rubber products. However, when butyl rubber is sometimes used to produce rubber products, there may be insufficient strength. What is the way to ensure the other properties of butyl rubber products and the strength of recycled rubber products?

1, increase the content of butyl rubber reclaimed rubber products: the choice of high content of butyl rubber reclaimed rubber is to improve the strength of reclaimed rubber products the most direct way, if butyl reclaimed rubber itself strength is not enough, then the cost can be in butyl regeneration Glue and use the right amount of butyl rubber to improve the performance of recycled rubber products

2, add soft carbon black: carbon black is used to increase a good medicine for rubber products, but when choosing carbon black should pay attention to choose soft carbon black such as N550, N660, N770, N990 and so on. Among them, the carbon black N550 is a quick-release furnace black, which is the best reinforcing product in soft carbon black. The examples are smooth surface, high structure, good dispersion in the butyl rubber and can improve the stiffness of the rubber, Reinforcement, flexibility and strength, such as butyl rubber reborn inner tube with N660 can significantly improve the physical and mechanical properties of the inner tube products. (Do not choose to increase the hardness of hard carbon black Oh, such as N110, N220, N330, which is to improve the hardness of rubber products)

3, add high-styrene: high styrene has good mechanical properties and flexibility, good compatibility with reclaimed rubber, can effectively improve the strength of reclaimed rubber products, the amount of up to 25%.

4, Add resin: In all kinds of resin products, phenolic resin has good mechanical properties as well as heat resistance, acid resistance, is the best choice to increase the strength of rubber products.

5, butyl rubber reclaimed softener system will reduce the tensile strength of reclaimed rubber products, so in the design of the softening system to consider the softener on the strength of butyl reclaimed rubber products, it is best to use paraffin oil or naphthenic oil as the In addition, the petroleum resin can not only improve the processing performance of butyl reclaimed rubber, but also ensure that the tensile strength of butyl reclaimed rubber products will not be reduced, and it is also another way to improve the tensile strength of reclaimed rubber products!

Other types of recycled rubber products to improve the strength can also refer to the method described in this article oh!

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