Customers in the choice of latex reclaimed rubber production of rubber products, often the most concerned about the latex reclaimed rubber tensile strength, elongation at break, hardness, set stress and other indicators. In addition, the proportion of latex reclaimed rubber will also affect the quality of reclaimed rubber products. So what are the factors affecting the proportion of latex reclaimed rubber products? And how to judge according to the proportion of latex reclaimed rubber product quality?
The proportion of latex reclaimed rubber one of the factors: raw materials
There are many types of latex reclaimed rubber on the market. Different raw materials used by different manufacturers and different indicators of latex reclaimed rubber vary in proportion. It can be said that the raw material used in the production of latex reclaimed rubber is the most fundamental factor that affects the proportion of reclaimed rubber. In general, the proportion of latex reclaimed rubber produced with pure condom waste is about 1.05-1.1. The proportion of latex reclaimed rubber produced by pure latex inspection gloves will not exceed 1.2 (latex reclaimed rubber will add a small amount of isolation in the production process due to the high viscosity. Agent to facilitate the next roll), the higher the content of other impurities latex reclaimed rubber products, the greater the proportion.
Factors affecting the proportion of latex reclaimed rubber two: the amount of plastic
Latex reclaimed rubber content refers to the amount of rubber latex reclaimed rubber effective rubber content, usually the higher the content of rubber hydrocarbons, the smaller the proportion of reclaimed rubber latex, the better the quality of latex reclaimed rubber product, you can replace a greater proportion of natural rubber Production of rubber products.
The proportion of latex reclaimed rubber influence factors three: tensile strength
Tensile strength of latex reclaimed rubber refers to the specimen until the fracture suffered the maximum tensile stress, is able to resist the ultimate ability of tensile damage, it and the proportion of reclaimed rubber count as a mutual constraint, the general latex reclaimed rubber products pull The greater the tensile strength, the smaller the proportion of latex reclaimed rubber products.
Here, you may ask, is not the smaller the proportion of latex reclaimed rubber products, the better the quality of the product? In fact, this argument is right, with the same quality (tensile strength, elongation at break) is certainly the proportion of the smaller the better; but if two different indicators of latex reclaimed rubber by weight to compare the quality is not appropriate , Their own indicators of different latex reclaimed rubber raw materials, formulations, production processes are very different, there is no way to compare, so in this case is not the proportion of the smaller the better the quality of reclaimed rubber, but also according to the actual situation , Combined with the performance requirements of your own rubber products and production conditions for a deeper level of testing.
Knowledge expansion: more than 900 tire tire tire reclaimed rubber production in the proportion of about 1.25, tire weight of less than 900 tire tire reclamation rubber production at about 1.4; washing machine gasket or high pressure cap production of EPDM reclaimed rubber ratio of about 1.25, The weight of EPDM reclaimed rubber produced by automobile sealing strip is about 1.4; the proportion of butyl reclaimed rubber produced by waste butyl rubber tube is about 1.3; the proportion of butyronitrile reclaimed rubber produced by waste nitrile glove is about 1.2.
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